US Army Bowl Internships are available for College Students and Class of 2024 HS Seniors.
Interns must apply with an application (online) and get selected through the interview phase.
Internships begin Sept.1, 2023 and run through the Bowl Week of Mon. Dec 18, 2023.
Interns can work in several areas: marketing, hospitality, coaching, social media, tech/video media on field, admin/details, and leadership.
Interns earn valuable job experience for their resume, job recommendations from executives, experience in a professionally run sports organization, friendships that can last a lifetime, and experience in your field of study. Interns can also earn financial payment for their work with the US Army Bowl.
If you you would like to apply contact US Army Bowl Leadership Director for an Intern Application - Mike Stricker 704-737-7631
Apply today. We choose Interns from May - Sept of 2023.